Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How do Shimmeronians entertain themselves?

Did you notice there is snow on Mars? I could have told you that! We Shimmeronians figured that out AGES ago! 

I've received just one inquiry this month. On to it!

Nate asks...

    Hey, Tom! I have a question.

    So here on Earth we have so many conveniences, such as shopping from home while online or, my favorite, on TV. Do you have similar conveniences on Shimmeron? I'm interested to know what kinds of products are available As Seen on TV, or whatever device you use.


We in Shimmeron have more conveniences and consumer electronics than you could dream! In fact, all of our bodegas and convenience marts sell "lifestyle devices." On Shimmeron, we apply that label to anything that makes life easier, or sexier. We don't have a thing such as the Internet, because our hair contains fiber optics that enables us to pass data back-and-forth to each other via thought. And this whole time you probably thought my hair was made of easter grass!

 To answer your next question, After "surfing the web" I came to the conclusion that much of your As Seen on TV merchandise is crap (with the exceptions of ShamWOW! and Chixen6900). But like I said before, we can purchase a wide array of goods anywhere, so we don't have a use for As Seen on TV. 

I should also mention that the obesity rate on Shimmeron is 0%...

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